Notes on the making of the Kyungshi costume

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1. Impetus

I love costumes with Chinese motifs, and I also love Kyungshi, and I wonder if I could arrange how to wear them?
That’s how I started making costumes for Halloween! (This is what we made last year for Halloween.)

2. Design

I did the design!

skirt style
pant style

Thus, three patterns were created: default, skirt style, and pants style.
I love the big frilly sleeves!
I thought, “It’s good that I designed this, but isn’t it difficult to make sure that the skirt and the front hanging do not penetrate through the skirt…? It was really difficult!

3. Modeling

The first problem was that the shape of the front hanging part changes with and without the skirt.
Thus the front droop is buried in the skirt….

So I used a shape key to widen the front droop!
When the front hanging was adjusted to widen, the lower horizontal cord was made to disappear because it would stretch too much and look awkward.

Shape key 0
ShapeKey 100

The bones are put in the hanging position without the skirt so that they respond to the foot collider, so I created a shape key to make them bulge. (The skirt bones are hidden for clarity.)

(The only problem is that the collider hits the hanging bone even when it is inflated, so the reaction is greater…. I guess it’s better than having it go through…)

Bone of the front hanging
A look at the collider’s percussion

PB setting

The front hanging is still penetrating.
The shape key doesn’t cause penetration when stationary, but it inevitably does when moving….
We devised a PB setting as a countermeasure. In particular, we worked hard on the Limit setting!
Limit Type used Polar.

Using this function, the movement angles can be set individually for the skirt bulge direction (Pitch) and the skirt sideways swing direction (Yaw).
In this case, Max Pitch: 55 for easy bulging and Max Yaw: 2.5 to suppress lateral sway.
We also set the Rotation Pitch to -55 (the same value as Max Pitch) to prevent the skirt from moving inward.
This makes it less likely to penetrate the inner skirt and

5. other

We’ve been talking about skirts, but aren’t dowdy sleeves that cover your hands the best?
The weight application for shaking the dowel sleeves was a modest task….

Dowel sleeves are the best!

6. completion

We have created a Kyong-Shi costume that can be worn in three different patterns!
The difficulty remained that the front hanging down was too responsive to the foot collider, but we were able to make it to a level where it was not a problem for normal wear!
I recommend any combination, but personally I think all of them are the best! (Dreamy colors are great too!)

skirt style
pant style
Dreamy colors are also great!
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