Chain implementation for costumes this and that

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This article is for those who want to use chains for punk outfits and such!

The first half of the report is a rough summary of the chain implementation method.
The second half of the book is about polygon reduction and other muddy stuff!


1. 3 chain implementation methods

As far as we know, there are three ways to implement chains
In conclusion, I think it is best to use the “Add-on (using geometry node)” in 3.C.
However, method 3.A is the best in terms of load since it requires very few polygons.
If the chain is made by the method described in 3.B and 3.C, the number of polygons tends to be large.

Mounting MethodAdvantagesdemeritSuitable sizepoly-number
1.APlate Poly & Transparent MaterialssimpleSmall size onlysmallExtremely little.
2.Barray (programming, programing)Can be implemented without add-onsFine-tuning is troublesome.Medium/Largetending to be more
2.CAdd-on (using geometry node)Easy fine-tuningThere are many parameters to adjust, so it may not be easy to get used to.Medium/Largetending to be more

1. A Plate Poly & Transparent Material

How to make a chain look like a chain by using transparent textures instead of creating a chain with polygons.
A small chain will look almost the same.
This is recommended to reduce the polygon count.

The implementation is roughly the following steps

  1. Placing a plate poly in the area where you want to draw the chain
  2. Expand UV and write chain rings
  3. Set the mesh to 2 with a shader that can draw transparently through the material settings.

Sample Unitypackage

If you want to know more about the implementation, please take a look here.
The shaders use liltoon , so please import them beforehand.

2.B Array

How to place chainrings with an array modifier.
I believe this is the most common way to implement the geometry node expression add-on in 1.C if it is not available.
The implementation method was described in detail at the following site, so please refer to that site!

Blenderでチェーンを作ろう - Qiita はじめに「Blenderに興味があるけど、しきいが高そう」という方向けに、なるべくわかりやすくチェーンの作り方を紹介します。Blenderの基本的な操作方法は、「Blenderでサ...

3. C Geometry node (add-on)

Currently, I think it is better to use a chain generation add-on that uses geometry nodes.
The geometry node is, roughly speaking, “a programmatic modeling function available in Blender 3.0 and above.
A recommended add-on is Chain Generator published by Booth.
Detailed documentation on how to use the system is also available for first-time users!
It is a strange level of free for such a perfect product!

2. reduce the number of polygons

If the chain is made of polygons, the polygon count tends to be high.
The number of polygons can be reduced by the following innovations.
Try to adjust as much as allowed in terms of appearance!
*Chains are made using Chain Generator.

deviceNumber of polygons (reference)
2.1Basic form (without device)4576
2.2make the cross section triangular3432
2.3Extend the spacing to the very limit.4352
2.4Increase the size of the chain3072
2.5Make chainrings horizontal.3552
2.6All of the above1728

2.1 Basic form without any innovations (△4576)

2.2 Triangulate the cross section (△3432)

This is the chain-like shape with the lowest poly count.

Triangular cross section of chainrings!

2.3 Extend chain spacing to the very limit (-4352)

Chain Internal Scale is changed!

2.4 Increase the size of the chain (-3072)

Chain Scale is changed!

2.5 Make chainrings horizontal (-3552)

Chain ring in horizontal position!

2.6 All (-1728)

I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you mean!
I hope this is helpful!

Reference Chain add-ons I use

Blender Market
Chain Generator Pro Chain generation kit for customizable geometry nodes in blender

Many chain parts are available for convenience.
*When meshing with this add-on, the geometry node must be modified as follows!
Please note!

Default is “Instance materialization” disabled
Activate “Instance Materialization” with M
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